Children's Mental Health Awareness 2021 Rewind

The Young Journey Foundation partners with Texas System of Care on this very important issue.

Click Mya's video (on the right) to hear her discuss the importance of paying attention to teens who may display mental health symptons.

Click videos below to hear other youths encourage each other and other  children's mental health resources. 

We invite you to visit the digital event at

A Message From Our Founder

At Young Journey, we aim to build up the whole young person inclusive of their mental well being.

When creating programs and events, we go extra miles, taking the responsibility of creating healthy learning environments extremely serious. Our team strives to make certain the atmosphere is conducive for each participant to experience positive growth, keeping the  same in mind event attendees.

Each Young Journey experience is a safe space, with built-in barriers and protections from harmful, degrading or destructive encounters; being sensitive to the overall health of each participant. Thereby, our team is continually educated on mental heath topics with the goal of providing helpful resources and services as available.

We encourage you to learn more about Children's Mental Health to help those in your care reach developmental, emotional and social breakthroughs.

Our young people are our most precious jewels. Let us effectively stay connected in support of children, youth, young adults and their families who struggle with behavioral and mental issues. We encourage our partners and parents to contact your local service providers for assistance.

Please, have a look at the videos and retro videos and enjoy the nuggets that are created with special care for young people and their caregivers. 

Thank you and be well!
~KaSika Jaha


Youth and Caregivers: Give Honest Communication

Communicate with your child with care and love. Encourage free and open discussion with supportive, loving feedback. HUG THEM. Let them know it's okay to be where they are in the moment, and that you are going to help them level up.
Youth, take Lekevis' advice and work through your fears.
Speak up young people. Respectfully let adults know what you feel. We are here for you!


Youth and Caregivers: Consider Young People's Needs

Watch how Koumaseeh takes moments out of his day to "chillax". He does things he likes to help him reduce stress. Caregivers, observe your young person's core strengths and likes, then purchase things that take their focus away from any problems they may be experiencing. Spend quality time together doing activites the young person enjoys.

Chill/Relax "Chillax" and enjoy the company doing THEIR fun activities!  


Youth and Caregivers: Stay Connected And Contribute

Amoria shares the importance of recognizing "it's okay" to feel emotions or to feel lost-just know you are not alone and you WILL find your way home.

Caregivers, as young people search for "home", take a little extra time, to encourage them to contribute. This makes them feel like they belong. For example they can help make grocery lists, bake/cook, plan vacation, make healthy meals or simply give input about how to arrange the furniture or create the next classroom project. Develop and Maintain routines as much as possible. Show lots of love and acceptance by recognizing their efforts. Don't forget to praise them!

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